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Putting Up Your Own Car Valeting and Detailing Business

With so many business owners of car valeting and detailing service today, if you ever decide to put up the same kind of business, you must be able to come up with new ideas so as to exceed your customer’s expectations. This is the only way to make the most of referrals. For starters, don’t spend too much money on advertising through the yellow pages and instead allocate the money for their respective technicians as incentives for a good job done.

Another thing that you might want to consider is applying for a telephone line. Your business should have a contact number so that it’ll be easier to reach customers and for customers to reach you. Once you have the phone line, you must have someone who will answer the phone when someone calls. That person should have excellent communicating skills to encourage the prospects. This is also one way to ensure that all calls are handled properly. You must hire a person who will take care of all the inquiries or may be, if you’re a good speaker, you could be that individual (at least you know your business quite well, right?)

Go into the details of the shop. Your car valeting and detailing crew or technicians should wear their uniforms with the business logo. The technicians and crew can simply wear dark blue or black shorts and a polo shirt with logo as their uniforms. When a customer happens to drop by, he or she will see that your crew and technicians are presentable.

As the owner of the business, you should also give proper attention to the bays in your shop. If your business is divided into wholesale and personal detailing services, you should have two bays for it. By designating two bays for the wholesale and personal services, your shop will be more organized.

Advertising is still essential for the success of the business. If you’re business offers quality services, your customers can already promote it by word of mouth advertising. But you should still consider direct mail ads to supplement the customer referrals.

When a customer asks for a personal car valeting and detailing service, don’t forget to leave a heartfelt thank you note because this will surely capture your customer’s attention and heart, especially the ladies.

Owners of the business, even the crew and technicians, should never appear arrogant or egotistical to a customer. Don’t forget to provide a clean waiting area for the customers and probably a TV set and some magazines to entertain them.

Your business should be in a strategic location which customers can easily access. It should be too far from the main streets so that the shop will be easier to locate. If you consider all these things and incorporate it in your car valeting and detailing service, your business will soon be booming. Customers will surely come flooding your shop especially if your technicians are among the best. Give your technicians and service crew some form of incentives so that they can improve their services. That way, they will be encouraged to work hard to impress you and the customers as well.

Car valeting and detailing can be a worthwhile business but only if you know how to handle the different aspects of the business. Don’t forget to follow the things mentioned awhile ago because it will be of good use to you. 


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